Monday, August 11, 2014

Building a Newborn Cloth Diaper stash

When I was pregnant with Kayleigh I knew I wanted to cloth diaper. However, we didn't actually start until she was 3 months old, mainly due to procrastination on my part. I mean, I didn't even get her nursery completely finished until she was 8 months old. I am a total procrastinator at heart.

But this time around I'm going to be ready!!

Kay is actually 4 months here but let's pretend its a newborn!
When starting to cloth diaper there are a lot of factors - what type of diapers do you want to use, how much do you want to spend, how large of a stash do you want, etc. Newborn cloth is no different. I have had my head spinning with all the research I have been doing the last few months. I thought I would just share my thoughts and what I have learned so far!

The first decision you need to make is what type of diapers do you want to use.

There are flats/prefolds + covers, which is how our Grandmas used to diaper. You use absorbent material that you fold and pin (or use Snappis) onto the baby with a waterproof cover on top. This is the cheapest option since you can buy prefolds and flats for around $1.00 each. Covers can start at around $5.00 each and you don't need a lot because as long as poo doesn't get on it you can wipe it down and reuse it a couple of times before washing.
These require a little bit more of a learning curve to use but since newborns go through diapers so quickly it really can help those on a budget. They are also really fast to dry, flats being faster than prefolds.

Then there are All-In-Ones, or AIOs, which have the absorbent layers and waterproof cover all together - no pinning, stuffing of inserts, or anything. These are the closest to a disposable you can get. Very quick, easy to use and great to have on hand.
However, they are a little more expensive and as your newborn gets older and starts to pee more you can't add absorbency to them (Unless you have a style called All In Two, or AI2, which you have a pocket to add inserts to) AIOs also take longer to dry due to the fact all the layers are sewn in together.

The final common type is Fitted diapers. These are kind of like a mix between the two previous types - they're a diaper with the absorbent layers already sewn in but are not waterproof so they require a cover. These are typically the more expensive option. However, since they don't have a sewn on waterproof layer they are great for what cloth diaperers call "air time" or letting air get to your baby's bottom to help fend of rashes.

There are also pocket diapers, but from what I have seen they aren't common for newborns. Personally, for older babies, I love pocket diapers because you can adjust the absorbency by adding more inserts as needed.

Now which type of diaper is the best you may ask? Well, that all depends on you and how much work you are willing to do.

 Personally I think a mix between the three is a great combination.

What we are doing is mainly pre-folds (I have already purchased 24 Green Mountain Diaper newborn/orange edge prefolds) and covers (I bought 5 Prowrap covers) with fitteds for nighttime (Planning to buy 5-6 Green Mountain Diaper newborn/orange edge workhorses) and a few AIOs thrown in for convenience while not at home.

The amount of diapers all depends on how often you want to wash. With my planned stash I will have to wash every 1-2 days, which is fine with me. However, if you want to go 2-3 days you should buy more diapers (I don't recommend going more that 3 days due to staining & stink issues).

But don't go crazy with newborn diapers!!

Most babies are only in their newborn diapers for around a month before they either outgrow the size or the absorbency so you don't need 30-40 diapers! Have a small newborn stash, then make a bigger stash out of One Size diapers (or larger sizes if you don't like One Sized ones) I'm trying not to spend more than $100 on my newborn stash so I have more money to buy larger diapers that the baby will be in for longer.

We have about 20 some odd diapers for Kayleigh right now, which is enough to wash every 1.5-2 days (I can sometimes squeeze by washing every 3 days if I want to have only 1-2 clean diapers left over) so I am planning on buying another 20-ish diapers for Baby. Hopefully Kay won't be in diapers for too much longer after Baby comes so I can use a larger stash but the great thing about cloth diapers is that I won't have to buy anymore for future children.

If you want a quick guide to buying used cloth diapers, head over to my YouTube channel and check out my video!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


I had a few realizations the last few days. One was after I took this picture of Kay

She loves walking around the house carrying her 'purse' and talking on her toy phone. (I don't know where she got that since I'm not much of a phone talker...)

She just looks so grown up in this picture and it makes me want to cry to think of her like that.  Soon she will be wanting to dress herself, then going out on dates and the next thing I know she is going to be moving out and starting a life of her own. It's just too much to think about! I just want my little baby to stay this way forever, but I know that can't happen.

The second one really hit me hard.

Kids. Plural. As in two. We are going to have two kids. HOLY CRAP. It's exciting and so scary at the same time.

I know I have really been neglecting this little ol blog. I have been posting videos over on my YouTube channel so check it out if you want to stay more up to date.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Secrets Secrets are no fun...

...unless it's one like this!

Yup, Kayleigh is going to be a big sister!

Although we were hoping to have our children close in age we weren't expecting it to happen this quickly! Kayleigh and Baby K 2.0 will be 21 months apart in age. Scary! 
Regardless we are all really excited!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Kayleigh's First Birthday Party

Kayleigh turned 1 on May 14 and we had her party the following Saturday on the 17th. We just had friends a family over, nothing huge, since really at that age it is more for the parents than for the child.

Kayleigh refused to nap the all morning so as soon as my sister came over I put her to work getting Kay to sleep. (My sister is magical when it come to getting Kayleigh to sleep!)
Spricket was jealous and wanted to join in the snugglefest.

After she woke up my parents gave  her the first present - her own outdoor chair. Kayleigh LOVED it and would climb in and out of it all day.

She also got a ball pit and when my sister was bringing the balls inside (she couldn't figure out how to wrap them) Kay saw and wanted to play with all of them right then and there.

Onto a the decorations!

I really didn't go with much of a theme. I just had some candy in yellow, blue and pink and everything else just kind of fell into place.

I took the picture frames off the wall in the living room and we taped Kayleigh's weekly photos up there. It was really neat watching everyone look at them - they didn't realize every one was a different week.

please ignore the speaker wire. We still need to hide it...

It was a lovely day so we all pretty much hung out there most of the day.

I tried getting Kayleigh to open presents but she didn't care for it too much. She preferred me to unwrap them and then she would run off with the paper or tissue.

The it was cupcake time! She did a lot better eating this than she did with the cake for her cake smash. She devoured her cupcake and looked around for more.

The someone broke out some bubbles which Kayleigh thought was the best thing ever!

All in all it was a wonderful day! Kayleigh was tuckered out by the end of it. She conked out an hour before her bedtime and slept until 7 the next morning.

Friday, May 23, 2014

DIY Cake Smash

I'm a little behind in posting but last weekend was Kayleigh's birthday party! The weekend prior my friend and I started the day with garage sales then finished with a cake smash for Kayleigh! If you google cake smashes it seems like it can be very difficult and overwhelming to get those perfect shots but it actually isn't that hard! For the location I temporally rearranged the living room so we could set up on a wall that gets great natural light. Then I used blue painter's tape to tape up a plain white twin size sheet.


The candy decorations were actually the genius idea of my friend. She picked up some styrofoam balls, small cake boards and tissue paper. We just wrapped the styrofoam balls and cake boards in the tissue paper and Viola! Instant candy!


For the cake we just used a small 8 inch cake pan, cream cheese icing and blue and yellow sprinkles (they looked green when mixed). I actually wanted rainbow sprinkles but last minute I realized I completely forgot to buy some so we made due with what we had.

Here is a side by side comparison to show what my straight-out-of-the-camera photos looked like. This is one of the reasons I love shooting in RAW. I just opened it up in Lightroom and edited the exposure and sharpness a bit, then used Photoshop to get lighten the wrinkles in the sheet. I also used the Coffee Shop action, Lustrous Pop, to brighten the colors a bit.

Kayleigh wasn't much into eating the cake. When we first set her down, she was all like "Uh... you are letting me make a mess... Are you sure? I'm not going to get in trouble?"

We eventually had to help her along and soon she was squishing cake between her hands. 

Little chubby baby hands covered in cake. Is there anything more precious? 

All the preparation and set up and we were all done in less than 15 minutes. Kay had a ton of fun, even if she didn't care to eat the cake.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

One year of weekly photos

I did it. I did one whole year of weekly photos! It wasn't an easy feat and I will say there were weeks I was a few days later but I managed to take one photo a week for a whole year. It's great to be able to watch Kayleigh grow all over again! (If you can't watch the video you can also check out the photos by clicking on the "Weekly Photos" tab above.)
(I will admit on the final photos you see I ended up cheating a bit and had to use photos from the previous week due to corruption files that I didn't find out about until months later.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Birthday, Kayleigh!


Today is your birthday. You are one year old. I know it's cliche but I feel like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the first time. One second I was holding a brand new baby in my arms, then I blinked and you were walking and talking.

It hasn't been easy, though. Parenthood has many peaks and valleys. There was much to learn, many sleepless nights and many tears - some yours and some mine. But there were so many more joyous moments! The first time you smiled at me I melted - the same smile now that still melts my heart no matter how big of a fit you just threw. I celebrated the first time you rolled over, the first time you crawled and almost started bawling when you took your first step. You are growing so fast and I don't want to miss a moment of it!

You already have us wrapped around your finger and you don't even know it.

I pray that you grow brave and strong, like your daddy. I pray that you can see the joy in every dark spot, like your mama. Most of all I pray that you never be afraid to be you.

I love you for forever and a half.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers' Day!

Today marks my first official Mothers' Day!

Although technically I was a mother last year, Kayleigh didn't decide to come until two days later. Everyone was telling me that I would have her on Mothers' Day but I was stubborn and didn't want to. That night I went home and felt sick all night - little did I know that was a precursor for going into labor! (Some women feel sick 1-2 days prior)

(please ignore my messy hair - it was super hot!)
I am so blessed to be able to be a mother!

Kayleigh's birthday is Wednesday so I will have plenty of birthday stuff to post! Yesterday my friend came over and helped me set up a cake smash photo shoot so I will post those as soon as I am finished editing all the photos!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy (belated) Easter!

I hope everyone had a great Easter! We spent the day at my Grandparent's house where Kayleigh had a blast playing with all the other children!


Of course the Easter Egg hunt was a blast! Kay had so much fun finding the eggs (although she did have some help)