Wednesday, July 27, 2016

18 & 19 Week Baby Bump

I realized the other day that I have yet to do a bumpdate, or even take a baby bump photo! Third child problems, I guess? So Monday I set out to take my first official bump photo!

First off, I have to give it up to Kayleigh who 'took' this picture for me. She mainly pressed the shutter button on my remote but it was still a big help so I didn't have to keep running back and forth!

As far as how I feel, my morning sickness is completely gone and I was able to stop taking my medicine for it last week. This was a huge relief to me because with Lexi I was sick for over 6 months!

My energy levels are still low but I don't know if that has to do with being pregnant or with chasing to crazy, energetic toddlers around. My appetite hasn't fully returned yet, unless I am eating Mexican food. I have been craving Mexican (well, Tex-Mex) something fierce and if it was up to me that would be what we ate for dinner every single night. But alas, I am a generous mom and let the family have a variety haha.

I feel like my stomach is soooo big for only being 18 weeks. But I did find out the other day that I could take a picture with all three of my babies in it now!

My ultrasound went awesome as well! There was only one small issue - the tract that connects the kidney and bladder looked small, but the doctor thinks it will fix itself before baby is born. It just means I get a follow up ultrasound at 37 or 38 weeks.

I was so excited to see baby again because last time I was only 7 weeks and baby was just a little blot on the screen. The tech had to zoom in just to get a picture for us!

Kayleigh loved looking at all the photos of the baby. She sat there and pointed out which was the boy and which was the girl. No, we aren't having twins, she is just convinced we are no matter how many times we try to tell her otherwise. (Lexi was too busy jumping on the bed to care) 

Like the last two pregnancies, we aren't finding out the sex this time around, so I can't wait until December to meet our little baby girl or boy!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy Independence Day! + video

Yesterday was the 4th of July and we decided to go to Rockport to spend the time eating, enjoying fellowship and watching fireworks. 

Lexi spotted the watermelon and of course had to help herself. This girl loves watermelon.

Both girls really enjoyed running around with the other kids, which was awesome since there isn't many kids close to their age to play with at home.

Both girls were a little scared of the fireworks at first, but quickly got over their fear and were soon running around like crazy little monkeys.

This is what I refered to Gollum Lexi. She saw that our friend had cheese puffs and tried to horde as many as possible. I can just imagine her muttering, "My Precious!" under her breath haha

I think next to sparklers, the smoke bombs were Kayleigh's favorite

She even got to shoot off a roman candles all by herself!

Lexi really enjoyed stomping on poppers. We brought a few boxes home and had to hide them well otherwise she would try to open and stomp on them.

At one point Lexi decided she would much rather just lie on the ground in the middle of the firework area than run from firework to firework.

Once it got dark, the big fireworks came out and the kids all sat, oohing and ahhing over each one.

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!