Friday was the one week mark of Kayleigh being in cloth diapers. So far I am loving it! It's so nice not having to run to the store to pick up more last minutes because hubby or the sitter forgot to tell me that they used the last. Or run from store to store because I can never find White Cloud brand, which some stores here carry only some of the time. Very annoying, let me tell ya.
I do have a few downsides so far, but nothing that would make me stop!
First, I REALLY wish I got snaps instead of aplix (but, once again, they were use diapers so I couldn't really be picky). The aplix likes to catch on my shirt if Kay doesn't have pants on and come undone. Plus, Kay sometimes manages to grab a hold of the tabs and open one side of her diaper. It's not intentional yet but I can see if being a problem as she gets older.

Second, I wish I had more that just 15. I normally keep three in the diaper bag due to the fact that I sometimes forget to put new diapers in after I used them so I don't want to get caught out of the house without diapers. That brings me down to 12 in the house. It is two days worth, which isn't bad but its annoying to be washing every other day. I also tend to forget to stuff the diapers the same day I wash them so my schedules is normally wash one day, stuff the next, wash the next day, stuff, etc. It feels like I am always doing something with them! But I wouldn't stop just because it's annoying!!
I'm planning on buying some more as soon as I get more funds together, plus my mom said she is going to buy some for Kayleigh's Christmas since she won't be old enough to really know what is going on (And I told her I don't want fifty million toys!)
She still gets put in disposables when my mom babysits on Mondays and we do still have a few on hand for emergencies so we aren't 100% cloth yet but hopefully by the end of the year we are! I send waaaaay to much time drooling over and deciding which style/brand/print I am going to get next!
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