I 'planted' some wildflower seeds behind the garage and the blooms were just so pretty!
Me and my girls all dressed up for the 4th of July
Swimming has been a weekly, if not daily, thing around here. One day Lexi slipped in the pool and hurt herself and only cuddles with Dada could make her feel better.
Some days when I'm making dinner, Lexi will want me to hold her and nothing else will suffice. Well I found out the tablet is a small distraction that lets me finish cooking without any more tears.

National Ice Cream Day happened this month, too, and of course we celebrated. Chocolate ice cream, crumbled up cookies and brownies with chocolate whipped cream and chocolate jimmies (sprinkles) in a waffle cone. Delicious! The whole month was National Ice Cream Month as well, so ice cream all around!!
Almost a year ago I took a similar picture with the girls and decided to do it again! I'm going to try to remember to do it again next year, and this time we will have 1 more to add to it! <3
Out of all the things I've baked, I've never made muffins so I have been trying my hand at them. They're pretty tasty, if I don't say so myself.
A wooden sign I painted for my cousin. She was redoing a young girl's room as part of their church outreach program and I hope the message if one that sticks with her.
I couldn't believe my luck when I received an email saying I won a gorgeous Lily Jade diaper bag. I decided to get a Meggan in Brandy and I am just so in love with it! I never would have been able to afford one so I am still pinching myself that I won one.
After a long day playing with our friend's neice and nephew, Kayleigh came home and passed out on the couch (the words "I'm not tired!!!" may have been uttered prior to this, too haha)
I have been trying to get outside more thanks to playing Pokemon Go so the girls have been enjoying our near daily walks. I grew up with Pokemon so it's nice to see the game bring communities together and get people outside for exercise.
The girls had their 3 year and 18 month check ups this month. Kayleigh weighed in at a whopping 37lbs! Well, whopping for her because she was in the 20th percentile until a little after she was 2. She is now in the 90th!! Lexi was 23 lbs and in the 75th percentile. Although she isn't a large baby by any means, I still call her my chunky baby because of how much bigger she was than Kayleigh.
We went camping for Charlie's birthday and the girls has a blast swimming in the lake. That night, Kay was so exhausted that she fell asleep sitting in a camping chair in the middle of playing a game on the tablet!!
So that is all from the month of July! I hope to remember to do another picture dump next month haha!