Charlie had a dirt bike race out in Westphalia, MO. We 'camped' out with the girls and my parents came out the day of the race so I could get out and take photos of all the racers. It was surprisingly hot day, but it was nice to get to hike through the woods by myself.
Sebastian is 4 months old and is now rolling over both ways, jumps and stands when you hold him and chews on EVERYTHING. We are pretty sure he's getting a tooth in. Where did my little boy go?!
Lexi's eyes are such a crazy, beautiful color. They started out blue but I think they're changing to green, so right now they're a strange hybrid of colors and I love it!
I won some shop credit to Pickles & Roses and the second I saw this donut dress I knew I had to have it for one of the girls. I was a bit sad because Kayleigh is the one who actually loves donuts but the dresses didn't go up to her size. :(
Lexi is starting to phase out her naps so I've been trying out quiet time with her in her room alone. One day I went to check on her after about 20 minutes to find her asleep on the floor in front of the door.
I got tired of how much of an eyesore the girl's old baby play mat was (Bright pink elephants, anyone?) so I decided to try my hand at making a simple wooden one for Bas. It was actually super easy to make and I love that it folds up so small that I can keep it between the TV stand and the wall.
I let Kay play in a mud puddle one day and, well, lets just say that dress isn't the same shade of mint anymore!
The girls new thing is to "Cheers!" everything together - cup, suckers, ice cream, ect. It's completely adorable. The left is the only Easter picture I got of the kids. Really, the only picture I took on Easter. They clean up pretty well, don't they? haha!
Its now May, which not only brings us Mother's Day, but also Kayleigh and My birthdays! The weather is warming up so I hope to have more adventures coming up seen.
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