Sunday, November 24, 2013


My mom recently bought an excersaucer from my cousin for Kay since she started 'crawling' and won't stay in one place for long. I just have to say, She LOVES the exersaucer! If she isn't playing in it, she's playing under it.

sm_img_1419 sm_img_1420 sm_img_1422 sm_img_1424 sm_img_1438 sm_img_1439 sm_img_1440 sm_img_1441 sm_img_1442 sm_img_1444She's also getting much better at sitting on her own (although she still refuses to try to sit up and rather crawl instead)sm_img_1465(Ignore the box in the background... I still need to ship a broken mixer to Kitchenaid! Talk about procrastination.)

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