Yesterday marked 35 weeks with this pregnancy! It's starting to get real, ya'll! I pretty much have everything ready for the baby, not that we needed much - swing, bed, carseat, and a few cute items. If its a girl, we have clothing galore but we will need to buy some if its a boy. Thankfully I have always been good about getting most of my newborn clothes in gender neutral colors.
Speaking of cute stuff, how cute is all this! I bought the muslin blanket from an etsy shop called The Bobbin Belle (its no longer sold in the store, but she still does custom blankets upon request) The rattle, hat and onesie I actually made myself. Nesting has been hitting me in the form of making things, not cleaning unfortunately.
As for how I feel, I am soooo tired! I manage to stay awake until 10pm most nights but I am typically yawning my head off my 8:30. I am also hungry 90% of the time, but take two bites of something and I'm full. My hips hurt most nights, which causes me to toss and turn which means I don't sleep much, and my movement is starting to become very restricted.
Funny story, yesterday I made the mistake of sitting on the floor to play with the girls (I normally sit in one of their little chairs or on the couch) and I couldn't get up!! I almost had to call Charlie into the room to help me. After about 3 or so minutes I managed to maneuver myself to standing position, but it was hard!
So note to self: don't sit on the floor anymore.
Baby has been moving like crazy, of course. Most rolling around and less kicking, but he still things my ribs are fun to push on. I had a follow up ultrasound Monday to check on baby's urinary tract development (I don't think I mentioned it before but baby has Pyelectasis, which means his/her urinary system isn't developing quite on schedule, in this case the tract connecting kidneys and bladder is measuring small which can cause urine backup into the kidneys. Nothing serious and it's actually not too uncommon! Most times it correct itself before birth, hence the follow up scan. The doctor said it's still a little small however 5 weeks is plenty of time for it to fix itself, so I'm feeling pretty positive about it.
But look at this little face!!!
The tech got a suuuper clear shot! Clearer than she has ever gotten with the girls. The tech also said baby is currently weighing in at 6lbs, and the doctor said she is pretty darn accurate so I might be looking at over an 8lb baby! Lexi was my big one at 7lbs 15oz, so almost 8lbs, but it scares me a bit that this baby will be bigger! Thankfully I had pretty easy and quick births so this one shouldn't be too much different (at least I can hope!)
I'm excited for the holidays coming up and can't wait to meet my little dude or dudette!
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