Thursday, December 1, 2016

November Pictures

T-minus 3 weeks and counting until the little dude or dudette makes his/her appearance and I haven't really had the energy to get my camera out nearly as much as I have in the past, so this month's pictures are sparse compared to other months. This next month will probably have an overabundance to make up for it, though! ;)

Little Bit typically avoids the girls indoors as much as possible so it was sweet to go into their room one morning and see these two asleep together.

The lady took probably over 5 inches off at the longest part to even it all out, so its much shorter than it was but it looks so cute on her!! It is so much easier to take care of and it doesn't turn into a tangled mess constantly anymore.

My Thanksgiving \ 36 week 'bump' shot. I have been craving pie, especially pumpkin pie, like crazy. I didn't realize quiet how much I craved pie until Charlie told me one day leading up to Thanksgiving that I have been talking about pie almost every day for weeks. Whoops!

And that is it! Yeah, like I said not much. We really didn't to much of anything this month (even stayed home in lieu of visiting family for Thanksgiving!) Here's to December and meeting the baby!!

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