Another month, another picture dump! Not much really went on this month (hence the lack of posts haha) but I did get some cute pictures!
First off, we had a medical scare with Kayleigh last weekend. Friday afternoon (Aug 26th), she had a series of seizures which caused her to spend three days in at St. Louis Children's Hospital - two days in the PICU and another day in the Neurology ward. They never were able to find any reason for her seizures beyond a Complex Febrile Seizure but we were sent home with emergency medication to have on hand and she has been back to her normal, crazy self since. It was a scary time but it showed me that God really puts the right people in place at the right time. (Maybe if I feel like it I'll make a separate post on everything.)
She was on isolation the whole time we were there because tests showed she had Rhinovirus (aka, a cold) so when she finally got to get out of her room, in a wheelchair no less, she was extremely excited! Unfortunately it was to get an EEG, which she wasn't too happy about.
The day after she was discharged, we decided to go to the St. Louis Science Center to celebrate, where both girls had a blast and enjoyed some rock candy.
(also, their matching converse sneakers have me all heart eyed!)

But lets back up now to earlier in the month to more happier times!!
I asked Kayleigh to show me a cute pose, and this was what she did. I guess she was channeling her inner Zoolander haha!
We went to the 'beach' at St. Joe State Park and since I never bothered buying a maternity swim suit I had to deal with my 20-some-odd week belly sticking out the whole time haha
Homemade lemonade has become a way of life around here
My normal days: Tuckered out mama with girls who are brimming with energy.
One day Charlie took Kay with him on a run in the jogging stroller and while they were sitting at the playground a bird came up and sat on Kay's lap! She wanted to bring him home, but Dada said no.
And that was pretty much our month in pictures!! Hopefully since the weather is cooling down we should be able to get out and do more things this month!
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