Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pregnancy Update: 37 weeks

Today marks the start of 37 weeks! I had a doctors appointment earlier this week and I am starting to dilate a bit, but that really doesn't mean much to me because I was 5cm with Lexi for over 2 weeks with prodromal labor before going into actual labor. I am actually declining any more cervical checks until 40+ weeks because it is crazy stressful to think you can go into labor any moment. Every cramp, every false contraction sends you on edge and makes you think, "Can this be it?!?!"

I lucked out and managed to win a gift card to Pink Blush Maternity and since I am at the end of my pregnancy, I bought some cute things for nursing. This kimono cardigan was one of them and I absolutely love it! 

I also realized last night that I'm pretty sure I've been suffering from a lovely thing called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction - pretty much my pubic bone ligaments are loose and have been causing a lot of pelvic pain and even some burning in the joints when trying to roll over at night. Still need to talk to my doctor to get a 100% diagnosis on it (my symptoms match up with it exactly, so I'm pretty sure that's what it is) but good news is, like other pregnancy symptoms, it will go away after baby is born.

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