I seemed to completely forget to update the last 2 weeks but today marks 40 weeks pregnant. I gave birth to both girls at 39 weeks (39w1d for Kay and 39w4d for Lex) so this is the most pregnant I've ever been.
For week 38, Me and the girls were actually in my sister's wedding so it was pretty hectic and I didn't even get a chance to take a bump pic.
For my 39 week photo I tried to get one with both girls, but Lexi wanted nothing to do with it so it was just me and Kayleigh. Kayleigh melted me when, while taking pictures, she put her ear to my belly and told me she could hear the baby singing, 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.
Last week I did get a huge nesting urge, but it wasn't for cleaning like most women's nesting urge is. No, I crafted. and crafted. and crafted. I made presents for 2 secret Santa exchanges, hats for all 3 kids, a mug for myself, multiple Christmas decorations, and there is probably more that I can't think of right now.
Now I am 40 weeks, I am so uncomfortable - even all my cute maternity clothes are just too much trouble to bother putting on every day so I pretty much live in whatever shirt still fits and leggings or pajama pants. ...well, that is if I feel like putting pants on haha
At my doctor's appointment today I found out baby is nice and comfy in there and despite having almost constant braxton hicks and lots of mild cramping, baby probably isn't going to come anytime real soon. Good new is I only have 5 more days since my induction has been scheduled for the morning of December 27 (My doctor doesn't like women to go past 41 weeks. Normally I would want to wait longer but this time I want to make sure we have baby before the end of the year so it works)
I hope to get to meet this little baby sooner but its nice to know in no more that 5 days we will officially be a family of 5!!
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