Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sebastian's Birth Story

This isn't really a typical birth story. I mean, I guess it kind of is since it results in the birth of a beautiful baby boy, but I had the lovely experience of also having food poisoning while in labor. At first I was going to gloss over that fact since its a bit... gross... but it also made for a funny story and in 10 years I would like to remember so here you go: the full, unedited story. You have been warned ;)

Since both girls were born at 39 weeks everyone figured Sebastian would be the early as well, if not right on time. December 22nd came and went with no baby in sight. I had been feeling really crampy and having braxton hicks all the time for over a week so I will say I was very upset on Christmas Day when he has still yet to make an appearance because I was so excited to have a newborn on Christmas.

We had a fun, quiet Christmas morning and that evening around 7:30pm the girls were playing with their new toys, Charlie was taking a nap on the couch and I was halfway watching a show and browsing on my phone. Kayleigh asked for help with something so I stood up and instantly felt like I was going to vomit. I ran to the bathroom, but nothing happened. I started feeling more sick so I decided to take a shower to see if it would help me feel better, but I kept feeling worse. I woke Charlie up and told him I was going to bed.

About two hours later I woke up and barely make it to the bathroom before I threw up nearly everything I had eaten, and then diarrhea hit. I tried to lie back down (by this time it was 10pm) but I started getting these super painful, stabbing, sharp pains in my stomach. I tried to ride them out but between the pain and constantly running to the bathroom it was just too much and I was trying so hard not to cry. About 11pm I finally threw in the towel and called my doctor - I didn't think I was in labor but I knew something was wrong and was worried about the baby. The stomach pains had only gotten worse and, honestly, they were worse than any contractions I ever felt. Doctor told me to go to the hospital, so we called my parents and left as soon as they arrived.

We got to the hospital around 12:30am and I checked into Labor and Delivery, where I got sick again (the nurse barely got me a pan in time to throw up in!). They wheeled me up to Maternity Triage where they took my vitals and hooked me up to machines. Thankfully by this point my stomach pains had started to die down and I didn't feel like I was dying anymore. Then they decided to check my cervix and told me a huge surprise - I was 5cm dilated and having contractions every 2 minutes. Baby was coming this morning! I had no clue I was even having contractions because I wasn't feeling anything!

They transferred me up to the delivery ward and by this time I was feeling better - no more stomach pains and I stopped throwing up but I still had some diarrhea. By around 1:30am I was hooked up to all the machines, got my antibiotics since I was GBS+ and they left us to rest. Charlie managed to fall asleep on the couch but I was just able to doze. Around 3am they came in to tell me that baby's heartrate had been dropping pretty low everytime I had a contraction (which, by the way, I was JUST started to feel pain from) so they wanted to break my water and place internal monitors. They checked me out and I was 6cm. They asked if I wanted my epidural placed before they did this since I wouldn't be able to walk around anyway so I said yes. By this time Charlie woke up and he said he was feeling sick, too.

They got my epidural placed. The lady who placed it did an awesome job - it was strong enough I couldn't feel any pain but weak enough I could feel like legs and pressure from the contractions. Just how I liked it! The doctor came in and broke my water and commented how much fluid I had. She sat there for about 5 minutes while it just gushed and gushed - she was so surprised that it kept coming, but it was nice and clear so she wasn't worried. Once that was finished, she checked my cervix (Now 7cm!) and placed the monitors and I chilled out for another hour. It was about 4:00am by now.

Now, I had food poisoning, remember? With the epidural placed, I could no longer control anything down there, so... yeah. I had an... accident and had Charlie call the nurse in for me (The poor guy was so sick at this point, too) and I was so apologetic while she cleaned me up and changed the sheets. She was so sweet and kept telling me that it wasn't a big deal but I felt so bad for her because... well it wasn't fun that's for sure.

By now I could tell what they were talking about his heart rate dropping because now I could hear the beeps get slower and slower every time I had a contraction. It was very worrying hearing the beeps slow down so much. A little before 5am, The nurse came back in to check on me and I was 9cm and said she said she'd come back in 20 minutes to check on me again. Not even 20 minutes later I went to call her in again because I realized I was feeling a lot of pressure and sure enough, she said baby was RIGHT there and she went to call the doctor and started getting everything set up. Charlie was looking so worse for the wear and I think at this time the worst of his food poisoning was hitting and he was really trying to keep it together long enough to see baby born.

I realized that although I couldn't feel my legs, I could still feel the contractions, pain and all. I tried to hit another dose of epidural but it didn't do anything except make my legs more numb. However it was time to push, regardless that I could feel everything, so I pushed. It. Hurt. I could feel almost everything and honestly, it really freaked me out but at that point all you can do is keep going.

Sebastian Miles was born at 5:23am in just two pushes, weighing in at 8lbs 6oz. He gave a little cry and they placed him on my chest, then he started turning purple. He was so purple, and it was getting deeper and it was really scaring me. The nurse was trying so hard to stay calm and get him to breath while he was on my chest, but I told her she needed to take him to go ahead. She whipped him over to the heating bed and started suctioning his mouth and he started crying after a minute, which was the most glorious sound I've ever heard.

Doctor also gave me the surprising news - I didn't tear even a bit. I tore pretty bad with Alexis so I figured, with as big as Sebby was, that I was definitely going to tear. My doctor also asked if I was feeling any better and I mentioned yes, it was food poisoning and he goes, "Ah, well that explains a lot." (He stopped me from pushing for a few seconds to clean me up down there and I didn't think about it at the moment. Ain't birth beautiful haha!) Also, I was 5 minutes outside the window for getting the antibiotics for being GBS+. FIVE MINUTES. So they had to double check Sebastian to make sure he didn't get it, but he was perfectly fine. For the record, you're supposed to have the medicine 4 hours before birth for it to be completely effective, so it was 5 minutes under 4 hours since I had gotten all hooked up. I can't say exactly how fast my labor was this time since I never knew when labor actually started, but it was pretty fast.

So there you have it, labor and food poisoning. It was just as fun as it sounds but it makes for a pretty funny story after the fact. Sebastian is doing awesome and nursing like a champ.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Fun!

Even though I was a little upset not having a baby by Christmas, I still tried to have some fun with the girls!!

Christmas eve was celebrated by wearing elf jammies, making cookies and watching movies!

I normally prefer to make my own cookie dough but this year, being overdue and all, I just grabbed a small thing of pre-made dough from the store.

It was so hard to keep the girls from eating the cookie dough but the cookies made it into the oven and they were very yummy!

Christmas morning came bright and early and the girls were so excited over the presents! We don't get too many things for them so this year we feel like we over did it a bit. They each got a book (Kay got the illustrated Harry Potter to read with dad! She was so excited!!), they each got one toy, Lexi got some crayons, Kay got some slipper socks and then to share we got them a dollhouse and a toy tool set.

(yes, she REALLY needs her bangs cut!!)

Then early the next morning I got my own belated Christmas present when Sebastian took us by surprise and came into the world. I'm still working on his birth story but should have it up tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Its a boy! Announcing Sebastian Miles

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Pregnancy Update: 39 & 40 weeks

I seemed to completely forget to update the last 2 weeks but today marks 40 weeks pregnant. I gave birth to both girls at 39 weeks (39w1d for Kay and 39w4d for Lex) so this is the most pregnant I've ever been. 

For week 38, Me and the girls were actually in my sister's wedding so it was pretty hectic and I didn't even get a chance to take a bump pic.

For my 39 week photo I tried to get one with both girls, but Lexi wanted nothing to do with it so it was just me and Kayleigh. Kayleigh melted me when, while taking pictures, she put her ear to my belly and told me she could hear the baby singing, 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

Last week I did get a huge nesting urge, but it wasn't for cleaning like most women's nesting urge is. No, I crafted. and crafted. and crafted. I made presents for 2 secret Santa exchanges, hats for all 3 kids, a mug for myself, multiple Christmas decorations, and there is probably more that I can't think of right now.

Now I am 40 weeks, I am so uncomfortable - even all my cute maternity clothes are just too much trouble to bother putting on every day so I pretty much live in whatever shirt still fits and leggings or pajama pants. ...well, that is if I feel like putting pants on haha

At my doctor's appointment today I found out baby is nice and comfy in there and despite having almost constant braxton hicks and lots of mild cramping, baby probably isn't going to come anytime real soon. Good new is I only have 5 more days since my induction has been scheduled for the morning of December 27 (My doctor doesn't like women to go past 41 weeks. Normally I would want to wait longer but this time I want to make sure we have baby before the end of the year so it works)

I hope to get to meet this little baby sooner but its nice to know in no more that 5 days we will officially be a family of 5!!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pregnancy Update: 37 weeks

Today marks the start of 37 weeks! I had a doctors appointment earlier this week and I am starting to dilate a bit, but that really doesn't mean much to me because I was 5cm with Lexi for over 2 weeks with prodromal labor before going into actual labor. I am actually declining any more cervical checks until 40+ weeks because it is crazy stressful to think you can go into labor any moment. Every cramp, every false contraction sends you on edge and makes you think, "Can this be it?!?!"

I lucked out and managed to win a gift card to Pink Blush Maternity and since I am at the end of my pregnancy, I bought some cute things for nursing. This kimono cardigan was one of them and I absolutely love it! 

I also realized last night that I'm pretty sure I've been suffering from a lovely thing called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction - pretty much my pubic bone ligaments are loose and have been causing a lot of pelvic pain and even some burning in the joints when trying to roll over at night. Still need to talk to my doctor to get a 100% diagnosis on it (my symptoms match up with it exactly, so I'm pretty sure that's what it is) but good news is, like other pregnancy symptoms, it will go away after baby is born.

November Pictures

T-minus 3 weeks and counting until the little dude or dudette makes his/her appearance and I haven't really had the energy to get my camera out nearly as much as I have in the past, so this month's pictures are sparse compared to other months. This next month will probably have an overabundance to make up for it, though! ;)

Little Bit typically avoids the girls indoors as much as possible so it was sweet to go into their room one morning and see these two asleep together.

The lady took probably over 5 inches off at the longest part to even it all out, so its much shorter than it was but it looks so cute on her!! It is so much easier to take care of and it doesn't turn into a tangled mess constantly anymore.

My Thanksgiving \ 36 week 'bump' shot. I have been craving pie, especially pumpkin pie, like crazy. I didn't realize quiet how much I craved pie until Charlie told me one day leading up to Thanksgiving that I have been talking about pie almost every day for weeks. Whoops!

And that is it! Yeah, like I said not much. We really didn't to much of anything this month (even stayed home in lieu of visiting family for Thanksgiving!) Here's to December and meeting the baby!!