Monday, June 27, 2016

Camping Trip + video

Since we bought an RV trailer this year, we definitely want to get the most out of it so a few weekend ago we took it out. We were the only people there that weekend, so being able to let the girls run free was awesome.

Of course, Kayleigh saw the pile of rocks and ran there the second we let her run free.

The wildflowers growing were also a source of entertainment as Kayleigh and Lexi spent so much time picking the flowers, making bouquets, and smelling them.

They love picking flowers and will spend so much time picking ever weed in our yard at home that even remotely resembles a flower.

I even remembered to bring my other camera to make a small little vlog of the weekend!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Things The Kids Says

Another installment of goofy things Kayleigh has said (and a few by Lexi!)

(2 years old)

"Mama, I'm sick. I have a shark in my throat."

Brings a book over to me
"Mama, I'm want to read you a book!"
Sits down, flips pages randomly.
Flips another page.
Flips page again.
"They go on a walk. The end!"

"Ah! There's a spider!! ...oh wait, it's just a stroller."

Pulls a newborn sleeper off the rack at a store
"Oh Mama, this is so adorable!!"

Age 3:

"Kayleigh, you need to go to sleep. Why did you come out of your room again?"
"Mama, I can't feel my legs!"
Point for originality, I guess...

"Mama, can I go play with my friends!?"
"Not right now. We have to go pick up a bed for you're sister."
"No. That's a horrible idea."

Kayleigh is eating a popsicle and our friend is teasing her for the way she's eating it.
"You fun of me?!" (You making fun of me)

(While trying to convince her she's a monkey)
"That's not a tail, that just my butt, silly!!"

Our three cats are all asleep on the couch
"Why are there so many cats on our couch!!!"

(Working on a letter workbook)
-sigh- "Mom! You're embarrassing me!!"
"Embarrassing you?"
"Yeah, In front of the letters!!"

Alexis (age 1)
Charlie: "Lexi, get out of the cat food! Are you a cat?"
Lexi: "meow!"

"Lexi! Off the table. Get down!"
"Down? Down..... town? -singing- Downtown! Downtown! Doooooowntoown!!"
 (She was singing "downtown" by Macklemore) 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mark Twain Landing

Last weekend the girls and I took a road trip up to Mark Twain Landing for a family vacation/reunion. The road trip itself was very uneventful - all highway and the girls were pretty good for the 2 hour drive.

We got there and the cabin we were at was directly across from the swim park, which of course made the girls lose. their. minds. They love water! We spent the majority of Saturday there.

There was a kiddie pool, kiddie splash area, wave pool, lazy river and lots of slides (although we didn't get on the slides) 

At one point Lexi kept stealing everyone's sunglasses so we went and got the girls a pair of their own.

Kayleigh picked me a 'flower' on the way to the swim park for the second time that day

After swimming, the entire family had a huge BBQ. The girls preferred to play at the playground nearby, though. 

But once they broke out the watermelon they wanted nothing else! (and I love how Kayleigh will just lounge back in any chair she can find!)

A HUGE family of geese came by the pavilion we were at. I wish I could have gotten a picture of all of them, but their was just too many to get in one shot! There were a bunch of little goslings, too! They were so cute!

After the BBQ it was time for everyone to do whatever. The girls ended up running around with all the other kids until around 9:30pm, when I finally was able to wrangle them together and put them to bed. Somehow the three of us managed to share a queen size bed, and Lexi took up the majority of it. I wish I got a picture (my phone died and I forgot the charger. Whomp whomp!) but at some point Kayleigh and I were each on the edge of the bed and Lexi was stretched out between us with her feet in Kay's face.

The next day we had a big family breakfast, then my family headed out to historic Hannibal to explore before the girls and I headed home. Unfortunately most of the shops were closed so we didn't get to see much, but we checked out an antique store (which had an old phone booth!) and saw the pretty, old building!

The girls (and me, too!) were totally exhausted by the time we got home Sunday afternoon. I was glad to be able to sleep in my bed without having a 1 year old all over me. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Excited for December!!

So I just realized I never posted about any of this here!

Yup, baby #3 is coming in December!

I'm currently 11 weeks and just had a doctor's appointment. Baby has a nice, strong heartbeat and everything is doing fine for now.

My morning sickness seems to be letting up - it was pretty bad there for a while. I asked the doctor for some medicine to help with it and I don't know if its the medicine working or just the fact I'm almost done with it but I have been feeling much better this last week. I still get sick, mainly at night, but its a huge improvement to what it was (all day, every day to where I didn't even want to get up off the couch for fear of throwing up). I'm just hoping it doesn't last as long as it did with Lexi's pregnancy because I was sick and on medication until 6.5 months along with her.

So yeah, there you go! We're super excited and freaked out at the same time because we are trying to figure out how we are going to fit yet another kid in this tiny little house (~800 sq. ft.), then trying to figure out if we are going to stay and add on or move next year, but a load of other things.

No matter which way it goes, though, we are happy about it!!